Inspired by the film ‘Run Lola Run’ and the biblical text “Run without becoming weary that you may obtain the prize”, Martin Sierra choreographed a fast paced piece which explores the implications about fate, chance, time, choice, and consequence. RUN is a captivating choreography which uses imagery and symbolism to impart various messages, themes, characters, emotions and situations. The piece builds using the simple art of running interweaving the scenes throughout in combination with skilled partnering, contemporary dance and physical theatre.
RUN is an impacting piece, a collaboration of choreographies using minimalistic movements mixed with a highly elaborated vocabulary of contemporary dance, captivating partnering and choreographer Martin Sierra’s unique neo expressionist style.
RUN strives to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and bring them to a place of reflection as per T.S. Eliot quote:
“We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time”
Together with a cast of selected dancers, Melbourne Dance Theatre is proud to bring to Adelaide Fringe 2015 an impacting & inspiring evening of dance.
Season 2015.